Thursday, August 5, 2010

Make Serious Money Online With Google's Keyword Tool

If you're serious about making money online, then you need to do research even before you build your website. If you're trying to make money on the internet, you need to understand keywords. The best way to understand keywords is to go to the best, free resource available - Google's Keyword Tool.

You may have heard about the Keyword Tool. You may have even used it, but many people don't understand its full potential. The Keyword Tool can be customized to give you the exact information you're looking for.

First, you have three different "Match Types" to choose from when you run a search in the Google Keyword Tool. By default, it runs a "Broad" search when you type in your phrase or keyword. The Broad search results give you the largest numbers. Broad search results include all related keywords that include that word or phrase.

For example, if you type in "hamburger," without quotes, Google will tell you that there are over 4 million searches, globally, for the phrase hamburger. However, when Google gives you that result, it also includes every other keyword that includes that phrase, such as hamburger recipes, hamburger calories, hamburger patty maker, and so on.

This distinction is important because it can make a big difference when you decide whether you should pursue a specific market or keyword. When you run the same search with the "Exact" match on, the results are very different. There are only 60,500 matches for the keyword "hamburger." If you do not understand the difference between the two match types, you can make a mistake that will cost you 4 million visitors. That's a big mistake.

When you use "Phrase Match" it falls between broad and exact. Phrase match will return matches with the phrase you type in exactly, as well as variations of that. For example, if you type in "tennis shoes," using a phrase match type, you will get results for tennis shoes, red tennis shoes, blue tennis shoes, tennis shoes stores, and so on.

Using "tennis shoes" as the keyword phrase, a broad search would return results for any keyword with tennis or shoe in it, in any order. An exact search match will only give you the search results for "tennis shoe." Depending on the reason you're using the Keyword Tool, you should be sure to search under the proper match type.

A strategic internet marketing approach would dictate that you should use 'exact match" when you're doing your initial keyword research. A search using exact match will give you a more accurate picture of the potential traffic and competition.

If you want to learn how targeted internet marketing with keywords can help you make money online, be sure to visit Superbad Internet Marketing.

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