Thursday, August 5, 2010

How to Write an Ebook Using Google Docs

Did you know that Google Docs provide most of the basic tools that can be found in paid programs such as Microsoft Office? Google Docs includes a basic word processor that functions similar to Microsoft Word without all of the unnecessary bells and whistles. In this article I'm going to talk about using Google Docs to write an ebook. We'll first look at the features available in your account and then how to use them to write your ebook.

The Features You Need to Write an ebook

You don't really need many tools in your word processor to write an ebook. Basically, you need to be able to type up the words of the document, do some formatting (e.g., bold, italics, change font size), the ability to insert a table or a picture, and spell check. You might also want a highlighter to mark the places that you need to revisit or touch-up in your ebook. Google Docs provides all of that with the additional advantage of having your ebook online and available to work on wherever you happen to have access to the internet.

Writing Your ebook in Google Docs

The first step is to log into your Gmail account. If you don't have one you will need to sign up for one, don't worry it's free. Once logged in, click the link that says Documents and you will be in Google Docs. Here is where you will create a new file and begin writing. Depending on they layout for your ebook, you can either write your ebook in a Document format or in a Presentation format, it's up to you. If this is your first time using Google Docs, I suggest you go with the Document format because it has all of the tools I mentioned earlier (especially the spell check!).

When you create a new Document, you will see the screen is pretty much laid out like Microsoft Word or OpenOffice Writer. Simply start typing and formatting your ebook the way you want and inserting any images. Just remember to save often just like you would in any other program. Your document will be auto-saved, but it's still good to save it yourself regularly.

Finishing Up Your ebook

If you need your ebook proofread or edited, simply go to the Share menu and give your editor access to your document to review. It's all online, so there is no need to email your ebook. Once the ebook is complete, go to the File menu and select Downlad as a PDF. Yes, that's right! Google Docs will convert your ebook to PDF for you as well.

Once you've mastered using Google Docs to write a basic ebook, you can start looking at how to make your ebooks better. Go to and pick up your free quick course on how to improve your ebook.

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